,,Iksada trade and service center” provides these services:
- Filling of extinguishers of all types, inspection, technical servicing and repairs (shelf life of extinguishers is one year according to valid general firefighting safety rules, which were approved by director of firefighting and rescue department by VRM in 18 February 2005, by order No., 64.);
- manufacturing of firefighting equipment, technical servicing, repairs (we are licensed representatives);
- inspection of firefighting water supply taps, measurement of pressure, technical servicing, repairs;
- selection of primary firefighting equipment (extinguishers, firefighting taps, shields) according to extinguishing material, class of fire, overall area of premises and other parameters;
- creasing of firehoses, pressure testing;
- measuring of electrical resistivity;
- installation firefighting sirens and video surveillance systems, warranty and out of warranty servicing, repairs;
- painting of metal with fire resistant paint, impregnation of wood;
- preparation of evacuation, accident liquidation, civil preparedness for extreme situations, workers’ action in case of fire, plans;
- preparation of schemes of firefighting territory and movement of vehicles in territory.
We inform you
- Buildings must have evacuation plans, assigned duties of service and security workers in organization of people’s evacuation, protection of property and other works.
- Hotel rooms must have evacuation plans in visible places. Also brief list of fire safety requirements must be available.
- General fire safety rules BPST 01-97 ( p. 16.3; p. 16.9)
- Fire safety rules of companies of chemical industry PST 07-97 ( p.3.1.16 )
Action plans for workers in case of fire
- Objects must have action plans for workers in case of fire. Practical training must be organized at least once a year.
- General fire safety rules BPST 01-97 (p.1.8.9.)
- Fire safety rules of companies of chemical industry PS T 07-97 (p. 1.7.9.)
Plans of incident liquidation
- Document that assures operative actions of object’s officers or firefighting services that are on duty and come in case of accidents. This document also regulates the order of incident liquidation in various objects.
- Law of civil safety of Lithuanian Republic (15 of December 1998, No. VIII-971) article 15.
- Law of safety and health of workers of Lithuanian Republic (17th October 2000. No. VIII-2063) article 25.
- General fire safety rules BPST 01 -97 (p. 1.3; p. 1.4.)
Incident liquidation plans
It is all defined measures and actions that must be made in dangerous object in case of emergency situation or accident.
Are you looking for reliable fire safety partner in Kaunas?
Contact us: phone (8-37) 350688 or e-mail – we will answer all of your questions about fire safety, required firefighting equipment and offered services.
Summary: Manufacturing of firefighting equipment, conclusion of plans of evacuation, accidents, liquidation of incidents, civil preparedness for extreme situations, and workers actions in case of fire.